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Learn more about the South East Asian social enterprises that we supported through this video

Pursuing my passion for meaningful global impact, I spent a few years working at Intellectual Capital Advisory Services (Intellecap), a consulting and investment banking firm for social businesses. I was part of a team that managed India’s largest Impact Investing platform – connecting over 300 scalable social businesses in India to investors each year.


I took up the challenge of expanding our investment platform from India to South East Asia within six months, in time to showcase some of the most promising business models from the region at our annual enterprise showcase.


As always, I focussed on getting things done:

  1. Conducted basic research on social enterprise markets across South East Asia countries

  2. Identified the six countries we should focus on

  3. Created the South East Asia program marketing material and education for enterprises

  4. Built partnerships with accelerators, incubators, business networks and VCs in the target countries

  5. Sourced over 50 social enterprises from the region through these partnerships

  6. Curated a virtual investment committee to identify the 6 most scalable business models

  7. Developed a network of mentors that worked closely with the 6 businesses supporting them to create pitches

  8. Raised funding for the program to fly the chosen teams to India for the Capacity Building Boot Camp

  9. Put together an independent South East Asia track at our annual conference, Sankalp including content development, curating panel discussions, and working with the enterprises on their pitches


Outcome: Created a successful India – South East Asia social enterprise corridor. Please read my article here.

Talk Less, Do More.

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